Blog Tour & Giveaway! Turnaround Farm by Elaine Cantrell

Dedicated career girl Holly Grant has no time for romance. She doesn’t need a man to complete her, thank you very much. Building Grant Realty takes all of her time and attention. If she can close a deal for Turnaround Farm, her business will take off like a rocket. Her first problem is that Jeb Wakefield doesn’t want to sell his farm, and her second problem is Jeb’s grandson Dan, the finest looking man Holly’s ever seen.
As everyone started to eat, the tension at the table lessened. They ate in silence for a moment before Teddy nudged Dan’s elbow. “Hey, Dan, can I ask you something?”
“Yes, what is it?”
“Are you sleeping with Holly?”
The furor that broke out reminded Holly of the noise at a high school football game. Nikki’s voice rose above the commotion as she tied to justify Teddy’s little bombshell first to Dan and then to Holly. The noise made Michael cry, and when Teddy saw his brother crying, he started to roar himself. Without another word, Dan grabbed Teddy by the hand and carried him kicking and screaming to the restroom.
“Is he going to spank Teddy?” quavered Holly. The child was incorrigible, but she didn’t want Dan to hurt him.
Nikki shrugged. “I don’t know, but I doubt it.”
“You don’t seem too upset by it.”
“No, he’s mad at Teddy, but he won’t hurt him. Dan’s good with the kids. He’d be a great father, Holly, and his kids would probably be real cute.”
“I’m he would...they would,” Holly stammered.
“Yes, and one day he’ll own Turnaround. That’ll be a nice thing to hand down to his children, won’t it?”
Thankfully, Dan and Teddy returned to cut this awful conversation short.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Born and raised in South Carolina, I hold a master’s degree in personnel services from Clemson University and am a member of Romance Writers of America and Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary society for women educators. I’ve been married for forty-five years to my college sweetheart. We have two sons who’ve given us three wonderful grandchildren. We also have a sweet calico kitty, and a devoted little black and white dog.
I've been writing since 2001 when my son asked me to proofread a book he'd written. I figured if he could write a book, so could I. My first published novel, A New Leaf, was the winner of the 2003 Timeless Love contest. If I wasn't sold on writing before, that did it. I've been writing ever since and don't have any plans to stop. Frankly, I don't think I could even if I wanted to. Writing is a strange compulsion that drives me to spend long hours in front of a keyboard when I could be doing important things like napping or eating chocolate. My house isn't dusted as often, I rarely cook, and who cares if the laundry gets done or not. Yeah, no doubt about it, I'm addicted.
Author links:
Turnaround Farm buy link:

Elaine Cantrell will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click Here!