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Interview with Author Charles Irwin of My Wonderful Wobbly Life

Can you describe your dream home?

The one that gives my Chickadee pleasure and comfort.

If we were to come to your house for a meal, what would you give us to eat?


Tell us about the absolute BEST fan letter you have received.

When I decided to re-publish my autobiography, I gave a copy to a man in exchange for a book his wife had written. He took it and said he would read it when he had time, possibly when he went on holiday. Three days later, he sent me an email telling me that curiosity had made him peek into it, then he couldn’t stop reading until ‘The end.’ The way he raved about my book, made me question whether it was the one I had written, IT WAS! Apart from being the husband of a published author, he was a retired school teacher. This gave the email fan letter from him some credence and made me think I was able to write for an audience.

Say your publisher has offered to fly you anywhere in the world to research an upcoming book, where would you most likely want to go?

England, to visit the energy portals that abound there before they are destroyed by hordes of tourists, emitting negative energies. The places and things to be researched would include, Lindisfarne, Findhorn, Glastonbury Zodiac and Wiltshire crop circles.

Who designed the book cover for the book you are touring?

The wife of a printer salesman, who took orders from me for art gallery promotional material. When I asked him about publishing a book and if he knew anyone to help me, he told me his wife might help me design a cover for it. She did offer to help me on condition that, when she had read the manuscript, complete control over the design would be hers. My angels had once more looked after me by guiding me to her because book cover design is what she had trained for while at university.


Having survived quite a few birthdays and had some interesting experiences, I wrote them down. That's how "My Wonderful Wobbly Life" was conceived. It was nearly born in 2004, but decided to hang on until 2018 to become 'Born again' Alleluia!!!!


“When they told my mother her little Bobby had brain damage and was a cripple, can you imagine how she felt? According to her, devastated!

The way home from the hospital led to one of London’s bridges across the River Thames. She stopped halfway across with the intention of SPLASH!!! End of story for both of us. She hesitated. The thought of a man crippled by polio, who had succeeded despite his disability and become President of America, came into her mind. She walked on thinking, if F.D. Roosevelt can succeed, so can my Bobby!

When my father arrived home that afternoon my mother was on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor, filling the bucket with her tears.

“What’s the matter Peg?”

“Oh Bert! our little Bobby’s a CRIPPLE!”

“Well Peg, even if he is, there is one thing we are not going to do. We are not going to be ashamed and hide him away. He will come everywhere with us.”

He was as good as his word. I went everywhere with them when I was young and have fantastic memories of fun times. One of my favourites was being at a dance hall, possibly the Wimbledon Palais de Dance. I could not have been older than three or four, but I distinctly remember my father dancing around the dance-floor with me standing on his feet. It made me feel so proud and grown-up and I was then content to sit and watch for the rest of the evening. He was a real Yorkshireman, proud of me, his son. “

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Charles was born in London U.K. in 1932. During his birth the forceps slipped, resulting in brain damage to the motor control nerves of his right side and causing total body spasticity. However, his intellect was not damaged. Throughout his life the two adversaries, controllable brain and semi-controllable body, always needed to be balanced. After several years of work and study he became a Chartered Production Engineer. In 1971 he emigrated to Australia and became a senior examiner in the Australian Patent office. This autobiography illustrates the rhyme: “He started to sing as he tackled the thing, That couldn’t be done - but he DID IT!” Charles chronicles his journey from useless to useful, with humour and joie de vie. He pays tribute to friends who only gave him help when it was asked for. At a young age he recognized his psychic abilities and, by using lessons at the end of each chapter, shares some insights with readers


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