You Taste Like Whiskey and Sunshine Blog Tour
Welcome! I am happy to announce that You Taste Like Whiskey and Sunshine is going to be part of a blog tour hosted by Goddess Fish Promotions!
I’m really pumped and I encourage my readers to visit the tours that go on from November 20th – December 15th! During each visit, you will see more information about You Taste Like Whiskey and Sunshine as well as interviews with me and personal blog posts created for the occasion! Plus, you get to visit a ton of new and interesting blogs! It’s a wonderful adventure and it would be amazing to have my readers come out and support the venture! Below is a list of where the book will be featured on any given day. Some of the blogs host giveaways as well so make sure you check it out!
November 20: Edgar's Books
November 21: Rogue's Angels
November 22: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
November 22: Sharing Links and Wisdom
November 24: This and That Book Blog
November 27: It's Raining Books
November 28: The Avid Reader
November 29: Mello and June, It's a Book Thang!
November 30: BooksChatter
December 1: Fabulous and Brunette
December 4: Books Direct
December 5: Readeropolis
December 6: Deal Sharing Aunt
December 7: Independent Authors
December 8: The Reading Addict
December 11: Mixed Book Bag
December 12: Books, Dreams,Life
December 13: Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
December 14: T's Stuff
December 15: Straight From the Library