SHADOW'S WAY by Barbara Frances
BLURB: Prepare to be spellbound. Barbara Frances' long-awaited third novel, “Shadow's Way,” takes you to the coastal, deep South, where...

Blog Tour & Giveaway! Par for Cinderella by Petie McCarty
4 Stars: This Cinderella story is perfect for anyone that loves a fairy tale ending. This is book three out of the series and one that...

Blog Tour & Giveaway! Breakdown Series by Debra Webb, Vicki Hinze, Peggy Webb and Regan Black
SERIES BLURB: BREAKDOWN is a unique and groundbreaking four-book suspense series that will keep you turning pages until the killer is...

Blog Tour & Giveaway! The Crying of Ross 128 by David Allan Hamilton
Q&A with author David Allan Hamilton! What are your favorite TV shows? I’ve always enjoyed Star Trek The Original Series, and The Next...

Blog Tour & Giveaway! Gun Kiss by Khaled Talib
Why do I want to become a writer? Khaled Talib I’ve been asking myself this question for a long time, and I’m not sure if my answer makes...

Blog Tour & Giveaway! THE BABY PLAN by Joan Carney
BLURB: The itch of ‘baby lust’ has prickled just under the surface of Tessa’s skin since she turned thirty. Five years have passed since...

Blog Tour: A Reason to Stay by Linda Charles
BLURB: Rachael, a successful lawyer in Sydney, returns to her foster family and the only place that ever felt like home: Mindalby, to...

Giveaways Galore! Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary
Welcome to the Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary Month Long Celebration! Who is Goddess Fish Promotions? And what do we do? We're...

Book Blast & Giveaway! THE THREE POISONS by John Molik
BLURB: It's 2025. An evil cabal known as the Horsemen are looking to colonize space with advanced technologies that have been kept hidden...